If you’ve spent some time on this blog or with my book, you know that I think the Financial Infotainment Industrial Complex is one of the things keeping us collectively poor. Here’s my TEDx talk on that idea, given in March 2019 at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX
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2 Replies to “TEDx Video: The Danger of Financial Media”
Nice job! I will send this to my two college grandsons, but I will give them your book when they matriculate. It will little sense to them now.
I love your posts, and we have done just what your advice urges. We are comfortable in our retirement because we did nothing but sock our money away. Life is good.
Pat Morse
I sent Michael Taylor e-mail Sun. 5/5/19 at 12:08 pm but not as an attachment . I hope it doesn’t go into his spam. I am 71 yrs old & it took me a long time to write it. I hope he can help me. I will also mail a copy to SA express & news.