The Shakeout Podcast – First 2 Episodes – Poverty and Universal Basic Income


Launched today, with Texas Public Radio, “The Shakeout,” in which we look at stuff that will be, or could be, different during these strange pandemic times.

TPR reporter Paul Flahive leads the Quixotic charge. I look to play a key Sancho Panza role.

People wait in their cars Thursday, April 9, 2020, at Traders Village for the San Antonio Food Bank to begin food distribution. The need for emergency food aid has exploded in recent weeks due to the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic. The Labor Department said Thursday 6.6 million people applied for first time unemployment benefits.

Episode 1 is here – On Food Insecurity and Poverty

Episode 2 (featuring me) is here – On Universal Basic Income and other Income Experiments.


Please see related posts:

Universal Basic Income is Coming – Hopefully Permanently

UBI – That Radical Right Wing Idea

Cash Is Better Than Good Intentions

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